Equally Yoked

Verse 1
I don't get what "equally" really means
Are there lesser or more consuming capabilities?
Maybe, I can't leave you without you hearing me
I still believe that one day you will see

Maybe the world is unfair
It smites at us and smears
All I got is my fear of losing you
Instead of praying that you would know
That salvation is for all

I love you with you my whole
But truth is we're equally yoked
I am equally yoked with you

Verse 2 
Baby, there's something else I want you to see
What my other side shows and how big is my family
Maybe someday, you'll get to know this loving industry
To be a citizen of a city where we'll spend eternity

In my most private moments
I start to put myself down
Or question my heart

In the morning'll pick myself up again
Hoping that my best friend
Will surrender her reign

I know the world is unfair
But I won't back down from her
All I got is my fear of losing you
And I'm praying that you would know
That only Jesus makes us whole

I know, I love you with you my whole
But truth is we're equally yoked
Truth is we're equally yoked
Truth is we're equally yoked
I am equally yoked with you
The hard truth is I am equally yoked with you